Monday, April 6, 2009

The Beginning...

This will be the only entry from me, Meg, The Doll Crafter--I think. I'm confident "my girls" will be able to tell our story much better than I...

I've worked as a "folk artist" (whatever that means...which is usually what that means...) for several years--and suddenly, Blythe. I'm unsure of when and where I first found her, which leads my to believe that she found me.

A few weeks before we met, an artist friend gave me a stack of antique and vintage doll clothes patterns. I didn't want them. But I graciously took them.

I posses a wonderful stash of all things antique and vintage, fabrics that have sat--for years--because they didn't "suit" whatever I was working on at the moment--all of these things were waiting for Blythe...the patterns, the hooks, the beautiful vintage handkerchiefs...tiny lockets, beads, ribbons, lace...

Have you ever met someone when you were dressed in your very best--when you were totally, completely, prepared? When you knew your hair looked great--your makeup "just so"? Wearing the perfect shoes? More often it happens--for me--the other way 'round! But it didn't with Blythe. I was ready to meet her, and prepared to create for her...all of the wonderful, tiny, treasures I have saved over the years have suddenly found a home!

I hope you enjoy these pages--I'm as curious as you are to read what "the girls" are going to say!

Doll Crafter

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